Big cleaning projects can leave you feeling anxious and tired before you even start them. Don’t let the financial logistics of cleaning your house attic to basement stop you from scrubbing every square inch of your home. If you use the following tips to guide your seasonal cleanup, you can polish your home without breaking the bank.

Use a budget

You may not think it necessary to draw up a budget for cleaning. It’s not like you’re hiring maids to help you air out and dust your home. And the combined cost of cleaning products, dusters, and other accessories aren’t so much that they could topple any but the most precarious of budgets.

Except, this is a spring cleaning plan that lacks foresight.

What would you do if, by finally tackling the boxes that have collected in your unfinished basement, you find a huge crack in the foundation of your home? How would address the black mould you find once you finally give your washroom the TLC it needs? Do you need finished basement ideas?

Know where to get help

If you don’t know how to answer this, don’t worry. By drawing up a budget to see what expendable cash and additional savings you have on hand, you’ll be in a better position to face these emergencies. And if you find yourself short of making these repairs, you can use a fast online payday loan to help cover the difference. In Canada payday loans are facilitated by online lenders like GoDay, with websites that make it easier and quicker than ever before to get the cash you need.

Remove bad spending habits

If you take the time to draft a budget before you tackle these tasks, then you’ll have the time to generate some additional savings specifically for those chores. Use your budget to identify potentially harmful spending habits stopping you from having a practical emergency fund. Takeout is an easy target. If you buy coffee (or an expensive latte) before work every morning, try bringing coffee from home. If you grab lunch from the local café during your break, try bringing a packed lunch you made the night before for your mid-day meal. Otherwise, you’re hemorrhaging money on things you don’t need.

Don’t limit your restrictions to takeout. Examine your budget carefully to see if you’re spending money on unnecessary objects or services in other areas of your life. You might unearth a lot of expendable cash this way. Once you eliminate unnecessary spending habits, you can put the money you saved into your emergency fund.

On its own, spring cleaning is rarely an expensive chore. But in dusting, de-cluttering, and polishing your home, you can reveal larger household tasks you weren’t aware of before you started cleaning. If these require extensive repairs or maintenance, then you’ll be happy to have thought about your budget before picking up the duster. Don’t just clean your house spring; clean your financial house by creating a budget to make sure you start the season off on the right foot.