As their mother, you’ve taken one for the team. In fact, the entire household did as soon as you started them on their beginner guitar lessons. The first few months were painful for everyone, as they struggled with out of tune strings and out of position fingers. You wouldn’t have called their playing style music at the start, but those dark days are behind you. They sound pretty good now that they’ve had a while to familiarize themselves with their instrument — and that’s while spitting out solos on the used guitar and amp, the age of which you’re not quite sure about. It suited its purpose at the time, when you weren’t sure they’d stick with the guitar for long, but now that it’s pretty certain they’ve created a lifelong hobby, it doesn’t fit the bill anymore. What they need is an instrument that reflects their skills.


Now that the holidays are just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to surprise your child with a brand new guitar under the tree. Admittedly, keeping it a surprise may be a serious challenge when your curious child is constantly on the lookout for clues. It’s not like you can come home from a late-night shopping trip with a guitar-shaped parcel in your hands. That would be too obvious. Online shopping, however, with convenient shipping direct to your door could be the perfect solution. Canada’s biggest online music store makes it easy to shop for high quality brands from anywhere you have a secure connection. They also have free delivery depending on your purchase total, and they’ll send it to your home when your child is away at school — which means you can sign for the package and hide it away in a closet without them ever knowing.

That’s the easy part. You now face the difficult part of choosing the right model. The smooth, velvety sounds of a Gibson guitar would be perfect for your child, but it might be better if they’re older as the Gibson comes with some heft to it. The bright, poppy sounds of a Fender Stratocaster would make a great present for any child going through their rebellious pop-punk phase. If you aren’t sure which would be better suited for their playing style, you can always attempt to do some reconnaissance but they’ll probably notice you snooping. Head to online forums and other online communities to help you with your quest. You can also let your budget determine the guitar, as online music stores will have a convenient navigation tab letting you filter out any models beyond your price point.

Once you’ve got the deed over and done with, don’t forget all of the accoutrements a guitarist will need. Wires, strings, straps, pedals, and other accessories are simple additions to your order when you shop from a music store Canada as a whole trusts. Reward their progress as a guitarist and get them a brand new instrument online. It’s an easy way to shop and an even easier way to earn serious brownie points this holiday.