Becoming a dog owner is one of the best things that can ever happen to a person. It’s so exciting to have a new companion to train and to love. However, with pet ownership also comes a lot of new challenges. 

You’re going to have to make some major lifestyle changes in order to be the best dog parent you can be, and some of these things may not be too obvious at first. If you’ve just welcomed a brand new furry friend into your home and you’re feeling a bit clueless, don’t stress! Here are 3 tips for first-time dog owners. 

Dog Proof Your Home

Just like when you bring a newborn baby home from the hospital and need to make sure you’ve “baby-proofed” your home, you’ll need to dog proof your home as well. This means getting rid of anything that could hurt your dog or putting it out of reach. This may include eliminating any foods or chemicals that could be toxic to your new pet or locking them away, installing a wire fence in the yard so that they cannot escape, or covering furniture so it doesn’t get ruined. 

Of course, there will be things you may not realize you need to change until after your new dog is living in your home for a while, and that’s OK. You can make adjustments along the way so that your family will be able to live happily with your dog and give it a great life as well. 

Be Patient

Whether your new dog is a puppy or not, there’s going to have to be some training involved. Most dogs are very intelligent and can benefit from training, but of course, you’re gonna have to put some work in. 

Be patient with your pet and ask some of your friends and family who have more experience with training dogs so that you can do things efficiently in a way that will benefit your dog and help them to be a wonderful addition to your home. 

Take Them To The Vet

This is something you may not know as a first-time dog owner, but when you bring home your dog one of the very first things you should do is make a vet appointment for them. Even if your pet isn’t sick, it’s super important to get them examined by a veterinarian to ensure they don’t have any underlying health issues that may not have obvious symptoms. 

You also need to get them vaccinated and keep them updated on their vaccines and other preventative medications so that they’re safe around other animals. This may cost a bit of money but will give you peace of mind and you’ll know that you’re being a fantastic pet parent. 

Being a first-time dog owner is a lot of fun, but it’s difficult as well. Hopefully, these tips can help you out!