For those looking to reinvent their image stylistically, it can be remarkably daunting to take that first step. Leaving the status quo behind and your usual, old self in the past, takes courage but it should also take planning.

Know what it is you’re looking to achieve with this makeover. There isn’t much point in doing it if you don’t. Understand that your needs will change and your desires may adapt every step of the way so that you can become versatile and adaptable in your new image.

Home or personal?

First, consider whether it is your own style that is going to change or that of the environment around you. Are you going to redecorate your home, or just the wardrobe within it?

Reinventing your own personal image is perhaps the simpler of the two options, as theoretically you can do it all by yourself, whereas revamping the look of your home could take decorators and other professionals. Either way, try and read around the subject. Subscribing to men’s lifestyle magazines could be a good start, as could taking books about interior design out from the library. If you know friends or family who have changed their style recently, ask for advice.

Hair transplants

For men looking to change their image, hair is a huge factor. Perhaps it feels truer to yourself to let your hair grow long into a ponytail, or maybe you have always wanted to dye your hair a whacky color. There are, of course, those who feel they don’t have much choice: their hair is thinning, and it is a choice of either growing it longer and pulling it forward or shaving it off entirely.

However, with fantastic hair transplants now available it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out your options at If you do choose to get a hair transplant, you’d be following in the footsteps of many famous faces.

In soccer, world famous Wayne Rooney had one in 2011, while current top-level manager Antonio Conte and Premier League striker Ashley Barnes have also undergone transformations. Elton John is perhaps the most famous member of the musical community to have changed his hairline, while Joe Biden is also believed to have been under the knife.

Professional stylists

You would consider using a personal professional stylist on your wedding day, so why wouldn’t you do the same for something as huge as changing your image entirely? You will be able to explain to them exactly what look you are going for and they will be able to advise and help you spend wisely on achieving it. Hiring a personal stylist doesn’t need to be expensive and they can even operate over the internet.

Confidence in yourself

Finally, have confidence in yourself. You are making this change for a reason and if you believe in it you are certainly more likely to pull it off. Everybody’s style is different, and every style can and should succeed, if it is backed up by self-assurance and a dose of swagger.