The term “full-spectrum” is used when CBD oil contains more than just CBD cannabinoid. Full-spectrum CBD oil includes several cannabinoids such as as CBG, CBN, and CBC and reduced amounts of THC, all terpenes and flavonoids.

The idea of THC in full-spectrum oils can be worrisome, but it is important to keep in mind that it is present in minimal amounts (less than 0.03%). The exact proportions of the remaining cannabinoids can vary.

Therefore, it is essential that you purchase from a trusted source. In Canada, Edison CBD oil is known for quality and can provide you with detailed information about their blend. Make sure the producer you purchase from can do this as well.

Why is it important that your CBD oil be full-spectrum?

The main difference between full-spectrum CBD oil and isolated or concentrated CBD oil is that the first contains more cannabinoids than simply CBD.

CBD is one of the main cannabinoids of the hemp plant and has numerous beneficial properties for the organism. However, it is not the only medicinal compound of the plant. Hemp has more than 100 different cannabinoids, each with different properties, which, together with terpenes (aromatic compounds), work in harmony in what is known as the “entourage effect.”

In a 2015 study conducted by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hadassah School, he concluded that full-spectrum CBD oil is more effective in reducing inflammation than isolated CBD concentrate.

CBD full spectrum oil also has vitamins such as A, C, E, and B in abundance. In contrast, isolated CBD oil only contains CBD, normally diluted in other oils such as coconut or olive.

How does it feel to take CBD oil?

With all its therapeutic effects in mind, you may wonder, how will it make me feel to take the full-spectrum CBD oil? The most successful or common response among users of this product is that the oil makes you feel something similar to the endorphin high that occurs when you play sports. Regular users also experience an increased sense of awareness, the ability to concentrate better, and a greater sense of well-being.

When you start taking CBD, the perceived effects decrease gradually. This means that the benefits that are evident at the beginning become the normal state. Over time, you can check its effectiveness or action by stopping it for a couple of days.

For which problems is the full-spectrum CBD best?

CBD can be effective on its own for some people. However, the combination of plant extracts can provide more intense and lasting relief. Here are some of the problems that full-spectrum CBD can most effectively address.

Pain and swelling

Chronic pain and inflammation are two of the reasons why users turn to CBD. The synergistic effects of full-spectrum CBD are more effective than those of isolated CBD to treat inflammatory problems. Terpenes alone have great potential for health, and we must not forget them.

Anxiety disorders

Research defends the ability of CBD to treat anxiety. While THC alone can make anxiety problems worse, CBD can counteract the effects of THC. By extracting CBD, THC, and other substances such as terpenes, full-spectrum CBD seems to be effective with different anxiety-related disorders.

Nausea and vomiting

In the field of medicine, it has always been thought that marijuana can treat nausea. As it can stimulate appetite, it also can help with certain eating disorders. Cannabinoids present in the full spectrum CBD can help relieve nausea and vomiting.


CBD may be more beneficial for our neurological system, blood, skin, and hair, and teeth. Isolating a single cannabinoid may not be the most effective treatment for our health. You should discuss it with an expert before using it. It is beneficial for many problems like pain and swelling, anxiety disorders, nausea and vomiting, and many more.