Effective Ways to Reduce Allergens in the Home
Anyone who suffers from allergies or asthma knows just how difficult it is to control allergens in the home. From pet dander to seasonal pollen, it’s almost impossible to control those nasty little microscopic allergens that wreak so much havoc in our bodies. If you are looking for effective ways to reduce allergens in the home, here are a few suggestions as a starting point.
Beware of Dust Mites
This topic is so far-reaching that it could fill volumes just to give you an introduction to what dust mites are and how they are problematic for sufferers of airborne allergies. These microscopic pests are responsible for most of the allergens within a home and the best way to avoid them is to minimise the fabrics used in your home décor.
It is recommended that you remove curtains that gather so much dust and that you cover your pillows with a mite-proof covering. Although you want soft and cosy furniture in your living room instead of microfibre or tapestry, have you considered leather sofas and chairs? Your key takeaway here is that mites quickly adhere to fabric and that’s what you want to avoid.
Go Beyond Sealing Windows and Doors
Sadly, altogether too many sufferers of allergies or asthma feel that sealing their windows and door will be sufficient to keep airborne pollutants out of the home. That just isn’t going to work. It is possible to use a highly effective filtration system to filter out those allergens which find their way in, even after your best attempts at keeping them out. Have you installed what is called a Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery unit in addition to your central heating?
Check out the various kinds on a website like https://www.bpcventilation.com/choosing-a-mvhr-unit and then you’ll begin to understand how these work to filter air efficiently, to reduce your exposure to those allergens causing you so many problems. Not only can they filter out dust and pet dander, but they can keep mould at bay as well. Anyone with respiratory problems knows just what that mould can do to their ability to breathe.
The Importance of Regular Cleaning
From the dust that gathers on furniture to those nasty critters that begin to breed in your refrigerators, it’s imperative that you clean your home regularly. Most people keep their homes neat and tidy, but that isn’t sufficient when you suffer from allergies or asthma. It’s important to be extra vigilant when dusting, mopping and scrubbing.
In the end, making it routine to ‘deep clean’ areas where allergens can gather is one of the best things you can do to prevent an allergic or asthmatic episode. This will limit the amount of exposure and will catch many of those allergens before they are further filtered with your MVHR unit. Don’t forget to keep that cleaned as well! All filters should be checked and changed (or washed) on a regular schedule for your protection and for the longevity of your unit. Allergies are no fun, so let’s avoid them at all costs.