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How healthy are you feeling these days? Many individuals giving an honest answer could very well say average or even not all that well. From stress in the work or…
“Love handles” are one of the most difficult body parts to target. This is where fat resides at the top of your hip, and for some people, no amount of…
Have you noticed your skin losing pigmentation in certain areas? Is it happening on various parts of your body with no rhyme or reason? This can be a very stressful…
Orthopedic science, like all fields of medicine, is in a constant state of flux. New tools and techniques are developed, the human body becomes better understood, and more. Today, people…
Poor home air quality is the sort of thing that sneaks up on you. Maybe it’s an asthma flair-up or severe allergies or a grimy air filter. But when you…
Sometimes good health feels out of reach. Who can remember to carry around a health diary, log your gym workout, or put on the pedometer before you leave the house? Fortunately, with…
Most people know what it’s like to be sick. We’re not talking here about serious diseases, luckily, but most people would have to say that they get the common cold…
When patients require innovative treatment for a serious illness, the first thing they do is seek out the doctors and hospitals best known for their clinical trials. That means those…
When was the last time you saw a honey crisp apple with a nutritional label on it? Aside from the sticker that tells you where it came from, you won’t…
When you start to feel an illness coming on, you can start to feel a panic as you fear time missed from work and feeling miserable for the next few…