Sometimes you just have to look at people to see that they are truly happy in their life, not always of course, but sometimes people just have this glow that suggests how content they are in the world. There is only one person I know who is like that and that is my good friend George Ammar, a man who simply exudes happiness and looks so comfortable in his own skin. Knowing him as I do, Mr George S Ammar is so happy because he has a wonderful family, he is in great shape and exercises daily plus he is doing the job that he loves. Here in Ohio George is the founder and owner of Ohio CFO LLC, and some years ago he completed his dream of becoming a CPA certified accountant. I hadn’t spoken to George for some so I dug into my directory, grabbed his number and called him up to find out what he thinks the keys are to a happy life.


George tells me that as he has aged he has begun to understand the importance that a healthy lifestyle plays when it comes to your overall happiness. He tells me that beyond the scientific facts that exercising releases happy chemicals inside the body, there is much more at play here when you lead a healthy lifestyle. Because of the way that he lives, George is not only happier, but he is able to avoid things that make him unhappy. For example when he exercises he can cope with stress better and he feels sharper between the ears, leading to a more controlled person and a happier one.


George tells me that if you don’t do what you love, stop doing it if you want a happy lifestyle. Now of course not all of us are able to have a career doing what we love but we should certainly try to aim for it. George tells me about the huge range of awful jobs that he had to suffer whilst he was on his way to building his own business, and that whilst he may not have been happy, he knew that he was on the path to happiness if he could land the job. No George has the perfect career for him, and it has made him incredibly happy.


At the root of all of his happiness George tells me is his family and without them he says that he would be a far less content person. George tells me that although he is a happy person, there are always tough days at the office and walking through the door at home to be greeted by his family is what flicks that switch in his head to be happy again.

I guess happiness is simple to achieve if you listen to George, a great family, a job you love and a healthy and active lifestyle.